Editorial Issue 7
Fortunato Depero’s La casa del mago and Henry Dreyfuss’ drawing The Two-headed designer eloquently interpret the many different figures embodied by the designer in the course of the twentieth century (and the various “roles” that he played), focusing on the process of design, i.e. on the organization of the designer’s work, with the interferences, demands and collaborations it entailed in his relations with the other figures involved in the design process.
The articles in this issue of the magazine – edited by Fiorella Bulegato and Dario Scodeller – reconstruct this workspace, along with the methods and attitudes developed by the designers in their relations with the many different figures that make up the “design system”, either working within the manufacturing companies, or as freelance professionals, in the role of entrepreneur, or in collective experiences.
Copyright (c) 2016 Fiorella Bulegato, Dario Scodeller

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