"The scandal of society"

Re-readings on Design, Needs and Environment


The director of the «AIS/Design Journal», Raimonda Riccini, introduces the three re-readings of this issue on Social Design: Christopher Cornford's speech at the Design for Need. The Social Contribution of Design conference held at the Royal College of Art and the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London from 11 to 14 April 1976; the Ahmedabad Declaration for Industrial Design for Development of 1979 and the interview with Tomàs Maldonado published in the supplement to n. 83 of Alfabeta of April 1986 and entitled Gli scenari della grafica (The scenarios of graphic design) by Giovanni Anceschi, Aldo Colonetti and Gianni Sassi.

Author Biography

Raimonda Riccini, Università Iuav di Venezia

Full Professor at the Università Iuav di Venezia, where she also coordinates the PhD program in Design Sciences and vice-director of the PhD School. She is a co-founder and past-president of the Italian Association of Design Historians (AIS/Design) and since 2013 she has been editor-in-chief of the online journal AIS/Design. Storia e Ricerche. In 2013 she promoted FRID, the first Italian Forum of PhD programs in Design. She has published extensively on the history of design. Her recent publications include: Gli oggetti della letteratura. Il design fra racconto e immagine, La Scuola-Morcelliana, 2017; edited by and in collaboration, Angelica e Bradamante. Le donne del design, Il Poligrafo, 2017; ”Exhibit, allestimenti e design: dal sogno modernista alle vetrine cinetiche”, in La Rinascente. 100 anni di creatività d’impresa attraverso la grafica, edited by A. Ossanna Cavadini and M. Piazza, Skira, 2017; "Il “trabocchetto di Durkheim”. Storia del design e filosofia dell’educazione", in La didattica del design in Italia, edited by G. Furlanis, Gangemi, 2018.
