Ramon Rispoli

PhD in Architecture and Urbanism History by the Politecnico di Torino (2010) and University Degree in Architecture by the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (2005). Nowadays he is full professor and researcher at BAU, Design College of Barcelona, where he teaches “Theory and Estethics of Art” in the Design Degree. In his research projects he focuses mainly on subjects related to Theory and History of Design and Architecture, and specifically on its esthetical, sociocultural and political dimensions. He is the author of the monographies Ponti sull’Atlantico. L’Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies e le relazioni Italia-America (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2012) and La Nuova Biblioteca di Alessandria: Snøhetta dalla Norvegia all’Egitto (Napoli: Clean 2008). He has also published essays and articles in scientific journals and collective publications. He has participated as a lecturer in seminars and international conferences, and he has been awarded with research fellowships before and after his PhD in several universities like the Centre Canadien d’Architecture (Montreal, Canada) and the Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles, USA). He is the Editorial Coordinator of the six-monthly journal “Inmaterial. Diseño, Arte y Sociedad” (in collaboration with Doctor Mara Martínez Morant) and scientific coordinator at Bau Design Forum, the multidisciplinary sessions of design culture organized yearly by BAU, Design College of Barcelona.
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