CfP #22: History of Digital Design and Digital Design History


Edited by Rosa Chiesa, Pier Paolo Peruccio e Carlo Vinti


Design culture and practice have been affected by the digitisation of design, production, mediation and consumption processes for several decades. On the other hand, the use of digital technologies, tools, sources, and archiving spaces has introduced radical changes in the professionalism of historians.

There has long been a critical and theoretical debate on these two major issues, but much remains to be done in the field of historical research and historiographical discourse.

Issue 22 of “AIS/Design. History and Research” invites to reconstruct and investigate from a historical perspective the different manifestations of digital design and at the same time solicits reflection on the most recent orientations of digital design history.

Proposals must be submitted in the form of a long abstract, to be sent by January 7, 2025.

Download the full Call for Proposals and the Guide Lines