Designing the “Self-Service”

Equipment Shops for the Sale Food Sector

  • Ali Filippini Politecnico di Torino
Keywords: Equipment, Display, Self-Service, Supermarkets, Visual Sale


The self-service practice, in Italy, is a commercial revolution that began with the first supermarkets and department stores, in the second half of the fifties and then spread widely to grocery stores, big and small, bringing the techniques and equipment “free service” to all categories of goods. The text describes, particularly through the work of propaganda represented by magazines focused on the art of the sale, the principal steps of the spread of this “new style of sale”. This new style was exported, strategically, from America to Europe during the forties and widespread in Italy during the “boom economico” with its core in the city of Milan.
With the transition from the traditional shop to the self-service layout, organized in specialized areas, the store becomes a modern work environment.
The aim of this paper is the organization and the display of the food product according to sale marketing, “visual merchandising”, advertising, packaging.

Author Biography

Ali Filippini, Politecnico di Torino

Graduated in Industrial Design from the Politecnico di Milano, earned his PhD in Design Sciences in 2012 from the Università Iuav di Venezia with a thesis on the history of exhibitions from a product segment and cultural perspective. In 2015, he was a research fellow there in the field of decorative arts in Italy during the fifties, working on the archives of Paolo De Poli. He has been lecturing on the History and Criticism of Design at the Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino and on the History of Visual Communication and Design at the Politecnico di Torino. He has been lecturing on Design History for the Master of Industrial Design programme at the Scuola Politecnica di Milano since 2008. Since 2000, he has written for design magazines («Diid – Disegno Industriale Industrial Design», «Auto&Design», «Mestieri d’Arte e Design») and editorial projects.
