The Reasons for the Form

  • Augusto Morello
Keywords: Food, Design, Form, History, Tools


To remind us and remember how there is critical literature linked to the food product and its relations with the design system, it was decided to re-read an essay by Augusto Morello from 1996, Le ragioni della forma, contained in a monographic issue of «Stile Industria», where the author addresses the theme of food in relation to the project.

Author Biography

Augusto Morello

(Turin, 1928 - 2002) Design theorist trained in the field of industrial chemistry, company manager with Olivetti and La Rinascente, a lively promoter of Italian design, directed the magazine «Stile Industria» and held various institutional roles including that of President of the Milan Triennale and Adi (the Association for Industrial Design).
