Photography and Design

A Non-Ancillary Relationship

Keywords: Photography, Design, Antonio Arcari, Rivista IBM


The issue of AIS / Design Journal dedicated to design photography represented a unique opportunity to collect historical studies and research on a subject so special and important, but at the same time still not very popular in our country, despite increasingly frequent exceptions that we give hope for a change of direction. During the research to build this issue we were able to find many testimonies that confirm the consistency and importance of photographers and scholars, well beyond the most famous names, but also the presence of a conspicuous cultural and editorial production relating to Italian design photography that it should be explored, as the documents we have selected and repurposed amply demonstrate...

Author Biography

Raimonda Riccini, Università Iuav di Venezia

Full Professor at the Università Iuav di Venezia, where she also coordinates the PhD program in Design Sciences and is vice-director of the PhD School. She is a co-founder and past president of the Italian Association of Design Historians (AIS/Design) and since 2013 she has been editor-in-chief of the online journal AIS/Design. Storia e Ricerche. In 2013 she promoted FRID, the first Italian Forum of PhD programs in Design. She has published extensively on the history of design. Her recent publications include: Gli oggetti della letteratura. Il design fra racconto e immagine, La Scuola-Morcelliana, 2017; edited by and in collaboration, Angelica e Bradamante. Le donne del design, Il Poligrafo, 2017; ”Exhibit, allestimenti e design: dal sogno modernista alle vetrine cinetiche”, in La Rinascente. 100 anni di creatività d’impresa attraverso la grafica, edited by A. Ossanna Cavadini and M. Piazza, Skira, 2017; "Il “trabocchetto di Durkheim”. Storia del design e filosofia dell’educazione", in La didattica del design in Italia, edited by G. Furlanis, Gangemi, 2018.
