Alessandra Vaccari, la moda nei discorsi dei designer

  • Marco Pecorari Centre for Fashion Studies, Stockholm University
Keywords: Fashion Design, Discourses, Fashion, Writing


Review to the book edited by Alessandra Vaccari, La Moda nei discorsi dei designer, Bologna: Clueb, 2012. 177 pp. ISBN 978-88-491-3725-5.
The text is available only in Italian.

Author Biography

Marco Pecorari, Centre for Fashion Studies, Stockholm University

A PhD candidate at the Centre for Fashion Studies at Stockholm University and a lecturer in fashion design theory and history at Parsons The New School for Design in Paris. His main research investigates the symbolic, cultural and performative meaning of “fashion ephemera”.
His other research interests span fashion archives, fashion museums and curatorial practices in contemporary fashion. His recent publications include the chapter Contemporary Fashion History in Museums in the book Fashion and Museum: Theory and Practice (Bloomsbury 2014) and the chapter Zones in Between: The Ontology of a Fashion Praxis in the book Couture Graphique: Fashion, Graphic Design and the Body (Terra 2013). Pecorari also writes about art, design and fashion for various magazines and journals such as «Vestoj», «Zoo Magazine» and «Fashion projects».
