About Diego Birelli

The Work of the Graphic Designer as Seen in the Dynamics of the Profession Between the 60s and the 80s in Italy

  • Michele Galluzzo Università Iuav di Venezia
Keywords: Corso superiore di disegno industriale, Diego Birelli, Electa, Pci, Touring Club Italiano


The profile of Diego Birelli (Asti 1934 – Venezia 2011) as a graphic designer may be analysed by mapping the relationships he developed throughout his professional career. Between the sixties and the eighties, Birelli attended the Corso Superiore di Disegno Industriale in Venice; as a militant graphic designer he took part in the political struggles led by parliamentary and extra-parliamentary left-wing parties; he interpreted the graphics of social engagement for the Venetian community and was a key figure in the metamorphosis of Italian publishing as art director for Marsilio, Electa, Alfieri and the Italian Touring Club. Connecting the primary sources with the existing historiography of graphic design, this research study intends to describe the figure of the designer within the wider dynamics of design work and the design process.

Author Biography

Michele Galluzzo, Università Iuav di Venezia

He developed an interest in graphic design and illustration in the city of Lecce, where he began working for communication agencies, publishers, independent record labels and magazines. After studying Communication Sciences he attended the Master of Design Science and Communication at ISIA Urbino, graduating in March 2013 with a thesis titled The Dialogue Between Graphic and Industrial Design in Italy: the Exhibition Design Group. He currently works in Milan as a graphic designer while developing research on the history of Italian graphic design as a PhD candidate in Design Sciences at Iuav University of Venice. He is also a research assistant at the AIAP Documentation Centre on Graphic Design in Milan.
