Digitize, Catalog, Visualize the Collections of Advertising Graphic Artefacts

The Case of the Publicité / Design Graphique Section of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris

Keywords: Archives, Digitisation, Poster, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Advertising


The scarcity, dispersion, and inaccessibility of visual artefacts used in 20th-century advertising campaigns and their recent digitisation have led to new debates. More specifically, the debate concerns the extent to which new uses of digital reproductions of ancient visual artefacts preserved in museums, libraries and archives have contributed to re-invigorate the archives and the collections of posters, prints and other advertising devices. The purpose of my paper is to provide new elements to answer this question, by focusing on a specific case study: the processes of digitisation of the collection “Publicité/Design graphique” at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs (part of Les Arts Décoratifs) in Paris.

Author Biographies

Simona De Iulio, Université de Lille

Simona De Iulio is a Full Professor of Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Lille / Human and Social Sciences (Laboratory GERIICO EA 4073). Her research interests focus on the relations between advertising and society. She is the author of Étudier la publicité (Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 2016).

Fabiola Leone, Université de Lille

Fabiola Leone is a PhD candidate in Information and Communication Sciences under co-supervision at the University of Lille / Human and Social Sciences (GERIICO EA 4073 Laboratory) and the IUAV of Venice. Her thesis focuses on the digitization of the collections of advertising posters and on the analysis of the background of the Publicité / Design Graphique section of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris and the Salce collection (Polo Museale del Veneto).
