Enzo Frateili, a Protagonist of the Italian Design Culture

Keywords: Artistic activity, Italian Design, Teaching, Enzo Frateili, Design History and Theory, Technology of Architecture


The theme we propose constitutes a sort of first experimentation for our magazine. The novelty is that of having built an entire issue around a single personality, an unusual fact - this one - not even for other periodical scientific publications. The individual portrait is better suited to the size of the volume, biography or monograph. In general, however, this happens when a good number of studies and reflections have accumulated on the protagonist or, more simply, when it is a recognized character and therefore "expendable" on an editorial level. Enzo Frateili (Rome 1914-Milan 1993) is instead a little known if not unknown to most people today, but in my opinion, he represented in the second half of the twentieth century one of the most interesting and vital voices in the culture of design and architecture. In particular, to remain in our field, Enzo Frateili has dedicated many of his intellectual energies to the history of (Italian) design and to the reasons and methods of history. He did so in ways that seemed to us worthy of being resumed and investigated, above all for the critical quality of his historiographical production, never limited to pure recognition of facts, but always fueled by questions and interpretations that make him a real “historian of ideas” on design ...

Author Biography

Raimonda Riccini, Università Iuav di Venezia

Raimonda Riccini is a Full Professor at the Università Iuav di Venezia, where she also coordinates the PhD program in Design Sciences and the Design & Museology research group. She is a co-founder and current President of the Italian Association of Design Historians (AIS/Design) and since 2013 she has been editor-in-chief of the online journal «AIS/Design. Storia e Ricerche». In 2013 she promoted the first Italian Forum of PhD programs in Design. She has published extensively on the history of design. Her recent publications include: Artificio e trasparenza: Il corpo sulla scena degli oggetti, in Il corpo umano sulla scena del design (ed. M. Ciammaichella, Il Poligrafo 2015); Il progetto senza storia? Le scienze umane nella didattica delle scuole di design, in Storia hic et nunc: La formazione dello storico del design (eds. P.P. Peruccio and D. Russo, Allemandi 2015); ‘Let’s not forget the kitchen’: How design has transformed the domestic hearth, in Kitchens & Invaders (ed. G. Celant, Electa 2015); Design e immaginario. Oggetti, immagini e visioni fra rappresentazione e progetto (co-editor with P. Proverbio, Il Poligrafo 2016) and the proceedings of the 2016 AIS/Design conference Angelica e Bradamante. Le donne del design (Il Poligrafo 2017).
