E-R Design: the Aesthetics of Everyday Life in the Cultural Institutes of Emilia-Romagna

A Project for the Cultural Heritage

  • Claudia Collina Servizio Biblioteche, Archivi, Musei e Beni culturali dell’Istituto Beni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna
Keywords: Archives, Cultural Heritage, Design, IBC Emilia-Romagna, Museums


In 2011, the Institute for the Artistic, Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Emilia-Romagna region began a wide-ranging research study on the various typologies of museums and collections with design objects existing in the region. The research was conducted by Claudia Collina, a civil servant specialized in the cultural heritage, a historian and contemporary art critic, and Laura Carlini Fanfogna, then head of the Museum and Cultural Heritage Service of that Institute.
The inquiry, conducted with a multi-factorial approach – the relationship between art and technique, between industry and craft, and industrial design from the industrial revolution to the present – had a triple objective: the creation of a database of design in Emilia-Romagna as part of the Catalogue of the Cultural Heritage (PatE-R); the publication of a book describing the study, extended to the context and the functional aspects pertinent to the design in the survey; the beginning of a reflection on the issue. This account gives an overview of the phases of the project and analyses the e-book produced upon the conclusion of the census.
It should be mentioned that the results are now available to scholars on the IBC website, with an interface that links the user to the institutions involved and the completed database.

Author Biography

Claudia Collina, Servizio Biblioteche, Archivi, Musei e Beni culturali dell’Istituto Beni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna

A historian and a critic of contemporary art, and an expert of cultural heritage at the Servizio Biblioteche, Archivi, Musei e Beni Culturali of the Istituto Beni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna. She has coordinated several researches in the field, including: I luoghi d’arte contemporanea in Emilia-Romagna: Novecento e dopo (1st ed. 2004 and 2nd ed. 2008) and Il percento in Emilia-Romagna. La legge legge n. 717 del 29 luglio 1949 applicazioni ed evoluzioni sul territorio (2009). She collaborates with the magazine of the Istituto Beni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali («IBC») and has published over ninety texts, about art and cultural heritage, from the neoclassical age to the present.
