Digital Archives for the History of Design

Keywords: Digital Archives, History of Design, Digital Humanities


Five years have passed since Dario Scodeller contributed to the issue of the magazine dedicated explicitly to the relationship between the history of design and sources, placing the accent on an issue at that time already crucial for scholars in the sector and, more generally, for everyone. those who deal with history that is the possibility of making use of an exponentially growing amount of sources for their research, the result of digitization and sharing processes on the net. The article is part of a debate that, then as now, is shaking the world of archives and structures dedicated, in various ways, to the conservation and enhancement of historical heritage ...

Author Biography

Fiorella Bulegato, Università Iuav di Venezia

Architect and associate professor at the Iuav University of Venice, in 2006 she obtained a PhD in Industrial Design and Architectural Technologies at the University of Rome La Sapienza.
She has been involved in documentary and iconographic research for exhibitions and publications and assistance in the coordination of the scientific realization of company archives. In addition to having written essays and articles in magazines – such as Vogue Italia, Auto & Design, Diid Design, Progetto Grafico –, since 2013 she has been part of the scientific committee of the online magazine Graphicus. Progettare la comunicazione and was an associate editor of AIS / Design. Storia e Ricerche (with M. Dalla Mura and C. Vinti). Previously she was part of the editorial staff of, one of the first dedicated web portals (2000-03), of Auto & Design (2006-11) and Diid Disegno Industriale (2002-08), as co-author under the heading "Innovation and research" (2005-08). Among her books: “Il design degli architetti in Italia, 1920-2000” (with E. Dellapiana, Electa, Milan 2014); “I musei d’impresa. Dalle arti industriali al design” (Carocci, Rome 2008); “Michele De Lucchi. Comincia qui e finisce là” (with S. Polano, Electa, Milan 2004).
