Alberto Rosselli and «Stile Industria»

Uniqueness of a publishing case

Keywords: Industrial Design, Stile Industria, Alberto Rosselli, Design Methodology, 1954


“L’intuizione non esclude il metodo ma lo richiede. L’immaginazione è la controparte dialettica del metodo che rappresenta l’applicazione razionale di definite tecniche entro il processo inventivo”. (Rosselli, 1973, p. 16-17) The contemporary reinterpretation of the editorial approach that Alberto Rosselli inaugurated with Stile Industria makes it possible today to reflect on the responsibilities (including social ones) and limits of industrial design, inserting it into the complex debate on contemporary design. A magazine of design culture that is both a lesson in method and a model of openness shows how, today as then, it is necessary to go beyond the confines of domestic references to know and understand complexity.

Author Biography

Rosa Chiesa, Università Iuav di Venezia

She is a researcher in design at Iuav University of Venice. Architect, she graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano and obtained her PhD in Design Sciences from the Università Iuav di Venezia in 2012, with a thesis on the relationship between glass and design. She is a member of AIS/Design, the Italian Association of Design Historians, of which she was a member of the steering committee from 2013 to 2021 and a member of the scientific committee of Fondazione Isec, the Institute for the History of the Contemporary Age. Research interests: history of design and fashion, relations between education and archives, history and technology of materials (in particular glass) and the circular economy.
She participates in conferences and writes articles and essays in trade journals, has collaborated with several universities and curated exhibitions such as La felicità del progetto, i disegni di Luca Meda, with N. Braghieri, S. Maffioletti and S. Meda (Triennale di Milano, 2014). His latest publications include Carlo Moretti, Vetro e design, Marsilio, Venice 2020.
