The Discovery of the Frame: or the Halo of the Saints v/s iPad

  • Manlio Brusatin
Keywords: Decorative and Applied Arts, Painting, History


The theme of the frame has been dealt with extensively (Simmel, Ortega y Gasset, Popper, Marin) both in the concept of definition of a rational and necessary visual field, and in the limitation of a too characterized and preset reality. The round or square frame reflects the Saints’ halo as glowing symbols, in comparison with the more defined criteria of frame-framework-structure, which serves for holding a table or a canvas, as the only possible representation. However, from this field of definition, or built-up part of reality, we go back now to a frame in total expansion which may ignore both horizontality and verticality. This new frame gives the impression to catch everything but may also let everything pass, like trying to scoop up water with a sieve. The present essay starts from the consecration of the halo and leads to the construction of the electronic screen and the tablet: the bright and dark frame which captures the visual world but soon makes it disappear.

Author Biography

Manlio Brusatin

He graduated in architecture with Carlo Scarpa, at the Iuav in Venice. He has taught at the Department of Conservation of Cultural Heritage of Ca ’Foscari and at the Faculty of Design of the Milan Polytechnic since their foundation. At the Architecture Faculty of Alghero, he coordinated the opening of the degree course in Design for the year 2007-8. He has collaborated in various Venice Biennials of the Arts, Architecture and Theater. Among his writings and essays: Storia dei colori (Einaudi, 1983); Storia delle immagini (Einaudi, 1989); Storia delle linee (Einaudi, 1993); Arte della meraviglia (Einaudi, 1986); Arte dell’oblio (Einaudi, 2000); Colore senza nome (Marsilio, 2006). In the essay Arte come design (Einaudi, 2007) he identifies the relationship between design and contemporary art.
