The Design of Reconstruction

Italians in Lausanne (1944-1950)

Keywords: Emergency, Flexibility, Industrialization, Project, Technique


Technical culture, the role of the designer and the organization of work are crucial issues in the debate on reconstruction. After September 8, 1943, in Switzerland, this reflection affects many areas of the project as the publication of the «Bulletin of the Research Center», from June 1944 to April 1945, in part returns. Gustavo Colonnetti, the liberal Catholic engineer from Turin and rector of the University of Lausanne, becomes a constant reference, from 1943 until the second half of the fifties, to a culture that distinguishes technique as one of the founding values ​​of the reconstruction of the house and destroyed cities, but also the family as the core social, economic and cultural life of the community.

Author Biography

Pier Paolo Peruccio, Politecnico di Torino

Architect, PhD, he is a researcher at the Politecnico di Torino where he teaches History of Design and Visual Communication. He carries out research in the field of corporate culture, visual communication and the history of design. He has worked in numerous national and international archives such as the Rockefeller Archive Center in Tarrytown (N.Y.) and the Olivetti Historical Archive in Ivrea. Among his publications, essays on Olivetti graphic design and product design and the volumes La ricostruzione domestica (2005) and Outdoor design dal 1870 (2010, with Franco Mello).
