From Exposition to Exhibit

Connections between Electronic Technology and Design in the Case History of IBM Italia

Keywords: Exhibition Design, IBM Italia, Renzo Piano, Roberto Lanterio


The historical contact between electronic technology and design, established at least since the fifties of the twentieth century, has not yet been investigated in-depth, unlike what happened to art, music, media. Without specific literature on the subject and starting from archival sources, the text provides the first track of a story poorly documented in its beginnings and little known in its developments, revealing a piece of this connection. Looking at IBM Italy's activity in the field of exhibitions and museums – from exhibitions at the Museum of Science and Technology in Milan in 1959 to an Exhibition Tour in 1984 to introduce the personal computer – it suggests that the politics of this American corporate, dedicated mostly to technological innovation and mainly driven by commercial logic, found in Italy for over two decades features that are more distinctly cultural and design-oriented. This happened also thanks to exhibit and communication.

Author Biography

Raimonda Riccini, Università Iuav di Venezia

Full Professor at the Università Iuav di Venezia, where she also coordinates the PhD program in Design Sciences and the Design & Museology research group. She is a co-founder and current President of the Italian Association of Design Historians (AIS/Design) and since 2013 she has been editor-in-chief of the online journal «AIS/Design. Storia e Ricerche». In 2013 she promoted the first Italian Forum of PhD programs in Design. She has published extensively on the history of design. Her recent publications include: “Artificio e trasparenza: Il corpo sulla scena degli oggetti”, in Il corpo umano sulla scena del design (ed. M. Ciammaichella, Il Poligrafo 2015); “Il progetto senza storia? Le scienze umane nella didattica delle scuole di design”, in Storia hic et nunc: La formazione dello storico del design (eds. P.P. Peruccio and D. Russo, Allemandi 2015); “‘Let’s not forget the kitchen’: How design has transformed the domestic hearth”, in Kitchens & Invaders (ed. G. Celant, Electa 2015); Design e immaginario. Oggetti, immagini e visioni fra rappresentazione e progetto (co-editor with P. Proverbio, Il Poligrafo 2016) and the proceedings of the 2016 AIS/Design conference Angelica e Bradamante. Le donne del design (Il Poligrafo 2017).
