“Rising Matter”

Pirelli, Rubber, Design and the Polytechnic Dimension in the Second Post-World-War

Keywords: Hot Water Bags, Rubber, Material Design, Pirelli, Tires, Polyethylene, Roberto Menghi


The materials from the Pirelli historical archive constitute an interesting field of investigation. They made it possible to reconstruct some elements of the development process of professional practice and of the formation of the project culture in Italy. From their study emerge the signs of a material design method that focuses on the quality of materials, made protagonists by the sensorial and communicative enhancement of the products. The research analyzes the production activity of Pirelli in the period of the second post-war period, up to the end of the 1960s. In this “propitious period” for the Italian economic-productive history, Pirelli was able to open unprecedented spaces to an “innovative design intervention” generating design culture.
In the scenario of the company's large production and the design processes implemented, the research focuses on two types of products: hot water bottles and tires, which allow more than others to explore the aesthetic-communicative qualities of material design of Pirelli, in which technical-productive knowledge is confronted with the artistic-humanistic one, contributing to the evolution of “material culture”.

Author Biography

Marinella Ferrara, Politecnico di Milano

Architect, PhD, and associate professor of Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano, Design Department. Since 1989 she has been performing scientific activity and teaching at several universities and academies in Italy (Catania, Florence, Palermo, etc.) and abroad as a visiting professor (University of Barcelona, ​​ UEM in Madrid, IADE in Lisbon, Izmir University of Economics, Universidad de Uruguay and University Jingdezhen-China). At Politecnico di Milano she coordinates MADEC (the Research Centre of Material Design Culture) leading scientific research about design-driven material innovation, and the skills of design in relation to technological innovations and materials. She is the author of books and essays that examine the relationship between design and materials (published by Springer, Lupetti, Alinea, Gangemi, etc). Other topics she is very found of are: design for cultural identities valorisation, and the evolution of the design in the Mediterranean countries. Since 2011 she is the editors-in-chief of the online journal «PAD. Pages on Arts & Design» (www.padjournal.net). Internationally she cooperates with several magazines of design. She is member of the executive committee of ADI (Association for Industrial Design), coordinator of the Scientific Committee for Professional Training and member of the Internationalization Team.
