Clino Trini Castelli: Design Primario

  • Clino Trini Castelli
  • C. Thomas Mitchell Indiana University Bloomington
Keywords: Clino Trini Castelli, Design Primario, Metadesign, Qualistic


Clino Trini Castelli's interview, published in the book New Thinking in Design: Conversations on Theory and Practice edited in 1996 by C. Thomas Mitchell, is the subject of the second rereading of this issue. The text collects the experience of Clino Trini Castelli who describes the main steps of his career as a designer and in particular his path towards the definition of Primary Design. A path that originates in the 70s from a culture of design that began to recover attention to all those that are the immaterial elements of the environment, that is the soft structures, represented by the colour, the finishes, the decorations, the microclimate, everything that jumble of sensory experiences which, however, today actually constitute the true experience of man in the artificial environment. Primary design, therefore, represents a central theme with respect to the cultural relationship of materials and design in Italy to which this issue of the magazine is dedicated.

Author Biographies

Clino Trini Castelli

Designer and design theorist, he lives and works in Milan. Since the 1970s he has been a pioneer in developing the emotional identity of products and aesthetic sustainability in the industrial sector. Through the Castelli Design company, he carries out an international activity on topics of product design, strategic design and CMF planning and design. He is the author of numerous publications and books on these topics and carries out educational activities in the main international design schools. His work has been awarded European, American and Japanese awards, including two ADI Compasso d'Oro, the IBD Gold Award and the IF Product Design Gold Award.

C. Thomas Mitchell, Indiana University Bloomington

Associate Professor of Interior Design, Department of Apparel Merchandising & Interior Design of Indiana University Bloomington (USA).
