Pasca: On design history, letters

Dear friends, in attachment you find some letters of Susan Yelavich, Victor Margolin, Kjetil Fallan, Anna Calvera and me. In November I met in New York Susan and we discussed about History of Design. After that encounter I wrote a letter to some friends. All their letters are here attached. Now I send that letters…

Pasca: Lettere sulla storia del design / On design history

Dear friends, some days ago I could luckily meet at Parsons in New York Susan Yelavich. We discussed about Design, History of design and so on. Afterwards she wrote to me a letter and I quote here one phrase: “… about teaching history. I feel there is a need for both chronological and modal/thematic approaches.…

Pasca: Lettere sulla storia del design / On design history

Nel mese di novembre ho incontrato alla Parsons-The New School for Design di New York la professoressa Susan Yelavich. Abbiamo discusso di design e in particolare di Storia del design, del suo ruolo, dei metodi di insegnamento nelle scuole di design e così via. In seguito le ho inviato una lettera nella quale riassumevo quelli…