CfP: ICDHS 2018, 10+1 Back to the Future, the Future in the Past


È aperta la call per l’11a edizione della conferenza internazionale ICDHS che nel 2018 sarà dedicata al tema della relazione fra Futuro e Passato e alla riflessione su quanto è stato fatto nell’ambito degli studi storici e del design nell’arco di venti anni. Simbolicamente, la conferenza si terrà a Barcellona, la città in cui nel 1999 si tenne la prima edizione di ICDHS.
La scadenza per la consegna delle proposte è il 18/12/2017.

“The 2018 event is rather special. The Taipei 2016 conference was the 10th edition and a commemoration of the 10 celebrations took place then and there. Returning to Barcelona in 2018 symbolizes and marks the end of one stage and the beginning of a new era for the committee. The numbering chosen, “10 + 1”, means that Barcelona 2018 is both an end and a beginning of stages within the ICDHS’s own history.
In coherence, several research lines proposed for strands refer to the legacy of these conferences, reminding new audiences of previous editions and areas of research already worked on. It is therefore a question of taking stock and exploring what has been these conferences’ real legacy. Revision represents a promise for the future and also considers the continuity of these conferences in the immediate future, foreseeing already on themes and issues for next venues.”

La call e maggiori informazioni sono disponibili al sito